Eve’s Grace, it all started in the garden “
I recently moved to a new home. Much to my surprise there was reminisce of a garden. Broken planters, plants overgrown with weeds and you guessed it snakes....eek! It wasn't long before I decided to take on the project of a revitalizing this space and making it my own. I started with the planters. "We need new ones" I thought, "I can build them". I've never built anything like that before but as a carpenter's daughter I know my way around a few nails and a hammer. Took out all of the weeds, one by one. Ran into a few snakes along the way, "scurry along you fellas, you're not welcome here!" Everyday I worked on my new project and the garden quickly became a labor of love. I began planting and harvesting herbs, tomatoes and peppers. I soon realized not only did I enjoy gardening I had some of my best conversations with God hunched over, sweat on brow and hands in the dirt. Those are my moments of peace, the moments that I consciously choose to be in his presence and call upon him. Some of the best moments of my day.
Day after day, after day, and then one day I realized- I AM happy. Wow, I am literally happy. Quite a discovery for a woman like me that had been going through the monotonous motions of life- work, family, and more work. Often forgetting to take care of myself. Gardening with God made me happy and literally changed my daily life. I no longer existed, I thrived. Joyful to wake to spend another day chatting it up with my Savior. I love my new home now and I am sure it is because it is covered with God's grace and spirit.
My new found celestial peace made me think of the very first garden. How happy Eve must've been to feel at home, loved and covered before the great fall. Surrounded by a beautiful garden with all of her needs fulfilled.
"The Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he placed the man he had formed. The Lord God caused to grow out of the ground every tree pleasing in appearance and good for food, including the tree of life in the middle of the garden, as well as the tree of knowledge of good and evil" (Christian Standard Bible, Genesis 2:8)
We all know the story, Eve was deceived by Satan's lie and she and her husband disobeyed God. Because they ate from the tree of knowledge after God had asked them not to, they were both punished. Eve took responsibility for her sin immediately and she was able to experience the grace of God. That chapter of Genesis is one of many examples of God's grace. In life, we may bump into a few weeds along the way, even a snake or two, but we must always remember who covers us.
This is my first post and I decided to name this blog "Eve's Grace" as a reminder that we are all recipients of His grace. There will be times in our lives that we disobey God but his grace is glorious. All we have to do is seek God out and ask for it. Sit with him daily so that we may hear his voice and not that of Satan. Spend time with God so that he knows that we love him. My blog will share with you my experiences of finding God's grace in my daily life.
Dear family, one day you may find yourself in a garden speaking to God and my prayer is that he will immediately shine his grace upon you as well. There are so many beautiful things that can all start in a garden.
Peace and Love